Document Type : SPECIAL ISSUE


1 Department of Environmental Engineering, Universitas Diponegoro, Jl. Prof. Sudarto SH., Semarang, Indonesia

2 Environmental Sustainability Research Group, Universitas Diponegoro, Jl. Prof. Sudarto SH, Semarang, Indonesia


Sustainable food waste management is globally concerning, thus necessitating cutting-edge approaches and a thorough understanding. To address this complicated problem effectively, bibliometric analysis and multicriteria decision-making can be combined. Therefore, multicriteria decision-making methods have become critical tools for navigating the intricacies of sustainable solution development. This study explored the complex field of sustainable food waste management by conducting a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of multi-criteria decision uses in this field. Using bibliometric methods, a methodological examination of the scientific literature was performed to identify important trends, contributions, and gaps in research on sustainable food waste. Decision-makers can be further empowered by using multicriteria decision-making to assess interventions across various dimensions, including environmental effects, economic viability, and social acceptability, highlighting the interdisciplinary nature of this strategy and promoting interactions between researchers, decision-makers, and stakeholders. These guidelines directly followed the development of policies, business practices, and consumer behavior, indicating a more sustainable food system. The combination of bibliometric analysis and multicriteria decision-making offered a formidable instrument to reduce food waste, enhance resource efficiency, and spur progress in global sustainability initiatives in a world where sustainable behavior is crucial. The study results in decision-makers evaluating interventions and strategies holistically by concurrently considering the food waste dimension, a multicriteria model, economic factors, environmental factors, social factors, policy considerations, and technical feasibility are just some of the factors considered in this study. This analysis highlights the growing commitment to comprehensive solutions that focus not only on waste reduction but also on resource efficiency, environmental stewardship, and societal well-being as sustainable food waste management gains traction on global agendas.

Graphical Abstract

Bibliometric analysis for sustainable food waste using multicriteria decision


  • MCDMA methods have acquired prominence in sustainable food waste management strategies for making informed decisions;
  • For food waste analysis, the AHP, Technique for Ordering Preference by Similarity to the Ideal Solution TOPSIS, and PROMETHEE are prominent MCDMA approaches;
  • Research topics include sustainable waste reduction, resource optimization, and circular economy principles, reflecting a growing emphasis on comprehensive approaches;
  • The analysis highlights the significance of incorporating environmental, economic, and social considerations into food waste management decisions.


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