
1 European Academy of Sciences LTD, London, United Kingdom

2 Kyiv National University of Technology and Design, Ukraine


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The problem of energy saving and the transition to technologies that allow to partially or completely move away from the use of gas and other fossil fuels are a priority in Ukraine today. By consuming traditional energy sources using outdated technologies for energy supply of industrial facilities, Ukraine consumes 3-4 times more fuel per unit of Gross Domestic Product compared to developed countries. For industrial enterprises, the energy intensity of costs is 35-40% of the total cost. At the same time, obsolete fixed assets, especially its active part (the degree of physical wear and tear of industrial equipment is 60-65%), are characterized by a large share of energy and heat loss.
METHODS: Modeling, structural analysis, and theoretical research based on current advances in the theory and practice of creating energy-efficient buildings using energy from alternative sources.
FINDING: Calculations and structural analysis of costs by stages of the life cycle of the design solution of the hot water supply and heating system with energy-efficient fencing and heat pump have been made. Peculiarities of calculation of assessment and design solutions in accordance with the Ukrainian legislation have been determined. The study has been conducted in seven Ukrainian industrial enterprises in the energy sector.
CONCLUSION: It is determined that the structural analysis of costs by stages of the project life cycle on the basis of standard costing should be used at the stage of designing a new power system or upgrading an existing one through marketing research. All this will contribute to the formation of a fundamentally new approach to solving technical and economic problems of the introduction of modernized energy supply systems for industrial purpose.

Graphical Abstract

Enterprise energy supply system design management based on renewable energy sources


  • Paradoxes and inconsistencies of estimation and calculation of Ukrainian realities to the needs of alpha-stakeholders are determined;
  • Based on the structural analysis, the calculation of cost analysis by stages of the life cycle of the design solution of energy supply of the enterprise is made;
  • The study was conducted in seven Ukrainian industrial enterprises in the energy sector.


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