Document Type : CASE STUDY


1 Faculty of Law, Wijayakusuma University, Purwokerto, Central Java, Indonesia

2 Research Center for Sustainable Production Systems and Life Cycle Assesment, National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia

3 Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia Peace and Security Center, Bogor 16810, Indonesia

4 Horticultural Agribusiness, Polytechnic of Wilmar Business Indonesia,Deli Serdang, North Sumatra, 20371 Indonesia

5 Legal Research Center, National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia

6 Faculty of Social Science and Political Science, Wijayakusuma University, Purwokerto, Central Java, Indonesia



BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The limited role of law enforcement agencies in the vast area provides opportunities for local community to contribute to mangrove ecosystem protection. This study emphasizes the importance of sustainable legal adherence by mangrove farmer groups in protecting the ecosystem through self-defence or community policing. It is essential for farmer groups to work together with legal institutions in order to defend the mangrove ecosystem from potential harm. This study seeks to resolve legal uncertainties related to the regulation of natural resources. Legal protection is crucial to ensure sustainability of mangrove ecosystem.
METHODS: This study used multi-aspect sustainability analysis and normative-empirical legal methods. Primary data were collected by administering questionnaires and engaging in discussions with the Krida Wana Lestari Farmer Group community in Ujung Alang, Cilacap, Central Java. The data obtained from questionnare was assessed for its sustainability through the application of Multi-Aspect Sustainability Analysis. The analysis of sustainability value, which significantly impacts legal compliance in the future, was conducted using secondary data in the form of legal materials. This enabled the identification of priority areas for improvement.
FINDINGS: Legal ambiguities in the protection and supervision of mangrove ecosystem require the participation of the Krida Wana Lestari Farmer Group community. Mangrove management involves the planting of seedlings and their subsequent utilization. Ecosystem protection is ensured through monitoring efforts within the Segara Anakan mangrove area, as well as through informal sanctions imposed by the local community in collaboration with the Nature Conservation Agency and the Village Trustee Non-Commissioned Officer.
CONCLUSION: The limited role of law enforcement agencies provides opportunities for community to contribute to the protection. The role in conducting Jagawana Swakarsa (Community-based self-funded Forest Rangers) or community policing is crucial for sustainable mangrove ecosystem management. The engagement of farmer groups exemplifies the application of indigenous wisdom in preserving the environment, which is presently not regulated by the prevailing legal framework.  The mangrove ecosystem provides farmers with economic benefits that contribute to their livelihoods. Not only do farmers have a strong social connection to the mangroves as their place of residence, but they also hold a political stake in ensuring the survival of these valuable ecosystems. Benefits, management, and monitoring aspects scored 100, 94.5, and 100, respectively. Sanctions aspect is sustainable with a score of 65 because forest guards and the authorities enforce forest destruction laws. Through their collaboration with the forestry police, they initiated community-driven endeavors. This united community plays a crucial role in enabling law enforcement to independently safeguard mangroves. The organizational significance lies in prioritizing regional law enforcement and fostering inclusive and comprehensive communication with the community.

Graphical Abstract

The influence of legal compliance in farmer group on the growth and development of sustainable mangrove ecosystem


  • Community participation through Jagawana Swakarsa, a form of community policing that promotes supports the sustainability of mangroves ecosystem;
  • The insufficient level of sanctions imposed on those who destroy mangroves contributes to the lack of mangroves ecosystem sustainability;
  • Adhering to the law in the mangrove farming community involves a system of monitoring and enforcement rooted in social norms;
  • The Krida Wana Lestari Sustainable farming community protects the mangrove ecology by following the legal compliance.


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