
Forest Research and Development Center, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Peat swamp forest ecosystems are fragile ecosystems with different peat depths according to the level of peat formation. Moreover, a peat swamp forest can have diverse vegetation and high carbon stocks. Thus, caution should be taken in the sustainable management of a peat swamp forest. However, the connection between vegetation diversity, carbon stocks, and peat depths has not been widely studied in efforts to conserve vegetation and peatlands. This study aimed to analyze the connection between vegetation diversity, carbon stocks, and peat depths in the Kahayan Sebangau Peat Hydrology Unit.
METHODS: Plots at the peat depths of four sites were studied: site 1 (<50 cm), site 2 (393-478 cm), site 3 (479-564 cm), and site 4 (565-649 cm).
CONCLUSION: All Pearson correlation values between peat depth, vegetation diversity, and carbon stock were positive with each other. This shows that peat depth, vegetation diversity, and carbon stock are interdependent and connected to one another.

Graphical Abstract

Connectivity of vegetation diversity, carbon stock, and peat depth in peatland ecosystems


  • The connectivity of vegetation diversity, carbon stock, and peat depths could be developed as the main indicator to restore peatland related to hydrological and peat nutrient aspects;
  • This research revealed that various nutrient content and distance from the river affected the diversity of vegetation at the tree, sapling, and seedling levels in different peath depths;
  • This study suggests rehabilitating degraded areas as productive land and implementing the sustainability principles to manage very degraded peatland with low species diversity.


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