Environmental Science
Using benthos a bioindicator to assess the efficiency constructed wetland community wastewater treatment system

K. Seethong; K. Chunkao; N. Dampin; W. Wararam

Volume 9, Special Issue (Eco-Friendly Sustainable Management) , November 2023, , Pages 47-60


  BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The increasing population and urban growth have led to a higher demand for water in various sectors, resulting in a significant amount of wastewater. Constructed wetlands mimic natural wetlands, using the interaction between plants, soil, and microorganisms to treat wastewater ...  Read More

Environmental Engineering
Land use variation impacts on trace elements in the tissues and health risks of a commercial fish

N.D. Takarina; O.M. Chuan; T.G. Pin; I. Femnisya; A. Fathinah; A.N.B. Ramadhan; R. Hermawan; A. Adiwibowo

Volume 9, Issue 3 , July 2023, , Pages 445-462


  BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Tropical coastal ecosystems globally have been affected by land use changes. This condition has caused a discharge of pollutants into the water, affecting marine organisms, including fish. Due to their habitat preferences, fish are prone to elevate heavy metals in their tissue. ...  Read More